I started the year off with a midnight kiss. I told Cole, "Start kissing me at 11:59, and don't stop until 12:01, so that way I have the perfect ending to 2011, and a perfect beginning to 2012." Cheesey, yes. Stollen from Pinterest, maybe. But it worked! We became "official" that very day and every day since he has given me something to smile about.
Ok ok, enough of the mushy stuff. Back to 2012.
I turned 22 (little did I know that meant I would no longer be able to drink more than three beers and not feel like death the next day). I went to my first NBA game (and several more after that - Thunder Up!). I finally got a puppy. I was nominated for 2012 Student Employee of the Year. I GRADUATED college! I moved to Oklahoma City. I got my own house. I got a big kid job. I started drinking coffee on the daily. I got my first credit card. I got a plant (and have kept it alive). I ran some cool 5ks. I spent a lot of time working in Tulsa at horse shows. I read several good books.... for pleasure! I got great seats for [almost] every OSU home football game. I got to go to Little Rock for an Arkansas football game. I made a lot of Pinterest foods and crafts. Melissa Rycroft, who I adore, won the All Star season of Dancing With the Stars. I talked my way out of several tickets. I decided to give vegetables such as sweet potatoes and green beans another try, and liked them (my four-year-old pallet is starting to mature... slowly). I found out who Gossip Girl was. I started paying off my student loans. I also started saving. I fell for an incredible guy who has made me laugh 365 days in a row. I grew up.
Besides several huge milestones and changes, this year seemed pretty routine: wakeup, go to work, workout, eat, watch TV, sleep... Yes I'm getting OLD! But there's something about that routine-ness that is comforting. Life is not all about how many cool and exciting new things you get to do. Its about loving the life you have, enjoying the little things, and being happy with what you are given. I can truly say that I am happy with my life, and that's something I'm proud of. So, 2012, thanks for showing me what growing up is really about. Here's to the new year, ya'll!
Don't grow up too much. There is always room for fun and whimsy.
Girl! 1) I definitely did not see that coming on Gossip Girl! and 2) Love that you got a plant and keeping it alive :) my problem is the flowers Tony randomly brings home. Love reading blogs, esp. friends' blogs and seeing little glimpses of their life :) Cheers to 2013!
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